Holiday Bikeability

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we have unfortunately had to cancel many Bikeability courses in schools since March 2020, which has resulted in childen now leaving Year 6 without having had the opportunity to undertake Bikeability Level 1 & 2 training.
For the first time, we are now able to offer a free course during the school holidays, for children who have missed out if their school course was cancelled.
This course is only available to book for children leaving Year 6 in summer 2021, who did not have the opportunity in Year 5 & 6 as their schools courses were cancelled. We are working with schools to ensure that extra courses are put in place in the 2021/22 academic year, for children who may have just missed out in Year 5.
All courses will take place at Shaw Lane Sports Club, Shaw Lane, Barnsley S70 6HZ. Level 1 training will take place on the site, with Level 2 training on nearby roads.
Bikeability Level 1 & 2 is not a 'learn to ride' course. Children must be able to ride confidently, without any kind of support, be able to look over their shoulder, then signal with each hand for 3-5 seconds, without wobbling.
To book a place, please read and complete this booking form and return to . Places are not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email.
Upcoming course date:
Monday 19th July 10:30am - 4pm